Category: news


The State Independent Living Council is recruiting new members. Do you want to make a difference in the lives of individuals experiencing disabilities? This is your opportunity. The meetings are held the first Friday of March, June, September and December, in Salem. Mileage, room and meals provided. If interested please contact: Joette Fitch at 1(503)945-7015.

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Hear Ye, Hear Ye

The Disability Services Advisory Council (DSAC) is looking for new members to join DSAC. You can make a difference for both Josephine and Jackson Counties. For additional information please contact the Rogue Valley Council of Government (RVCOG). Please ask for Sharen Yeager. Her phone number is: (541) 776-6232.

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ODOT and DRO join forces to make Oregon’s transportation system more accessible to people with disabilities.

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